Logan 3 Months
SHAME ON ME! This is a month old! BUT I will be taking her 4 month photo this weekend! =] AND I FINALLY took photos of her nursery! I'll be posting that this weekend.
Our ped. office doesn't do check ups every month, they do them every other month so I wasn't able to get her measurements. Boo! So we weighed her on the scale at home to get an estimated weight. =]
Age: 3 months
Height: ?
Weight: 14 lbs (ish)
Head: I have no idea!
Milestones: Logan is sleeping in her own room! I was worried she wouldn't sleep through the night if she felt "alone" in her room, but she did great! She is actually sleeping much better. She giggles! Not the big belly laugh that I'm anxiously waiting for but giggles are the cutest thing! And she's rolling over intentionally now.
Sleep: Awesome little sleeper! She takes her last bottle around 7.30, I swaddle her up and lay her down. As soon as her little Cloud B sleepy lamb is on and she has her binky she's out in under 5 minutes. I was sooo worried about having this battle of her fighting bed time but I think she really enjoys it!
Best Moment: Snuggles! I come home and lay her on my chest and she usually falls asleep on me. =]
Worst Moment: There really wasn't a bad thing we had to deal with this month. She's a really easy baby.
Worst Moment: There really wasn't a bad thing we had to deal with this month. She's a really easy baby.
Health: She is a happy healthy baby.
Eating: She's still a hungry, hungry hippo! She eats 4-5 ounces every 2-3 hours. She's completely on formula now and doing great!
Teeth: No teeth yet! But drooling and putting EVERYTHING in her mouth.