Alexa Jean Brown

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We had a SUPER eventful week last week! Logan ran her second Spartan Race this weekend. She is SO awesome! I adore that girl. She puts on her determined face and takes off. I’m so proud of her. She did the .5 mile race last year and this year she did the 1 mile race. She finished 6th out of the girls in the 4-12 age group. If you have young kids, I would highly suggest signing them up for a race - the confidence boost they get afterwards is INSANE. Parents are aloud to run alongside them for the .5 mile races.

Logan also had her Valentine’s Day party at school on Friday which was SO cute. I was able to go and help out with the party and their crafts. They kids were so excited to give their Valentine’s. We made Logan this llama box to hold her valentines. WOW, it was SO much work and the llama was in shambles after he made a trip to the park after school.

The girls also went to the Daddy Daughter Dance at church with Troy. They look forward to this day ALL YEAR and afterwards they talk about it for a good 6 months. They get all dressed up, Troy goes to the store for flowers and then knocks on the door to pick them up and take them to dinner before the dance. They absolutely love everything about it and I can’t tell you how incredible it is for their self esteem and their relationship.

This year Troy and his best friends took the girls to a picnic dinner at the park. I was gushing. The girls had so much fun and felt so special.

Troy and I also celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. The Daddy Daughter Dance fell on our actual anniversary so we went to dinner on Friday instead. We went to a restaurant close by called Ocean 44 which is mostly a seafood place. I had the Chilean sea bass and Troy had a steak and jumbo shrimp. It was all so delicious and we had the best time dreaming about our goals for our relationship, our family and our businesses this year. We try realllllly hard to date each other at least twice a month and this date was especially life-giving.