Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.




I was just talking the other day about how shocking the hours and days AFTER you deliver a baby are. When I had my first, no one prepared me for what was to come and what I packed in my hospital bag was way too much.

Going into my 4th delivery, I’ve simplified my hospital bag to avoid having to unpack a bunch of unnecessary things when we bring baby home from the hospital. Truthfully the hospital provides everything you and baby will need while you’re at the hospital, down to newborn diapers. They will also send you home with a bunch of supplies you’ll need to take care of. yourself postpartum, take them! You’ll be so thankful you did! Basically, you’ll just want to bring your comfort items and an outfit or two for baby.


I realized this weekend that I didn’t pack a bag to bring all my stuff to the hospitable to I ordered a new one. I usually bring a tote style bag but I think this duffle will hold everything better and keep it more organized. I got Troy one too because he has lots of things that he brings too!

Sleep Shirt

This nightgown/sleep shirt unbuttons so you have really easy access if you’re planning on nursing. They’re buttery soft and don’t cling to your new postpartum body. I feel beautiful AND comfy in them. You’ll want to grab a couple extra pairs because you’ll want to wear these everyday for a while.


Comfy Socks

Hospitals can get cold and who really wants to walk around the cold hospital floors barefoot!? These comfy socks are so cute and would make a great addition to a new mom survival gift.

Nursing Bra

This one is kind of obvious but easily overlooked. This one is soft enough to wear under your sleep shirt. You’ll definitely want to grab some nursing pads too and/or a milk catcher!

Nursing Pads

When I had Logan I would have had no idea what you were talking about. Nursing pads catch the extra milk that comes out of the breast that isn’t being nursed on. When you have a “let down” your other breast will “leak”. Nursing pads are great to wear at all times during your nursing journey.

Milk Catcher

The original was a Haaka and it saved my life! I was able to store all the milk that otherwise would have been wasted. I ended storing enough that I didn’t have to pump hardly at all. There are a few brands out there. I’ve only ever tried Haaka and it’s amazing and worth every penny. You’ll be SHOCKED at how much milk is saved that otherwise would have been sucked up in a nursing pad. SAVE THE MILK!

Nipple Shield

A nipple shield will help curb the pain of those first initial days/weeks of nursing. I kept track of how long the “break in” period was for nipple pain last time and it was about 2 weeks. If you can just get through the first 2 weeks of nursing it will be smooth sailing from there! I PROMISE! The nipple shield helps with nipple pain, latching, etc. I am SO thankful I had this!

Typically the initial latch is the toughest part so I usually wear the nipple shield a couple days in when the pain is peaking. Hang in there momma, it will be SO worth It and always remember that NONE of these tough phases are forever.

Makeup Wipes

This may not be necessary for you. I usually walk into the hospital with makeup on, deliver my baby and when I’m ready to go to bed that night I want it off! It’s hard to say what your delivery will be like and whether or not you’ll be able to get up and around right away. I always like to play it safe and pack makeup wipes so I can easily wipe it all off without having to make an extra trip to the bathroom to wash my face.


Love these velcro mittens, they seem comfier for baby than the elastic kind. And these socks! Love the ribbed detail on them.

Vibrating Mat

This is SO not necessary but this worked wonders for baby Ford’s sleep. We’ve never brought it to the hospital before but I think its a great idea t get our routine started sooner than later! This vibrating mat just goes under their mattress and soothes them. It takes batteries and it has a 45 minute timer or continuous ON.

Velcro Swaddles

I’m TERRIBLE at swaddling babies and it makes me nervous when they wiggle out of them, We have used these velcro swaddles with all the kids and LOVED them. I’ve never brought them to the hospital before but it seems like a no brainer now!

Tooth Brush + Paste

Another obvious one but easily overlooked when you’re thinking about baby!


I don’t know about you, but I don’t love hospital food. Hospitals make me feel so grubby and I don’t know what their kitchen looks like! lol I always pack snacks because you never know how long you’ll be there and sometimes it isn’t convenient for your hubby to run out for snacks.

Going Home Outfit

Be prepared for your belly to look like something you’ve never seen before. It’s flabby, it’s sometimes saggy and really squishy. I LOVE high waisted leggings to keep it all in. This might not be common but I remember walking around after I had Logan and if I wasn’t wearing something supportive around my stomach, all the jiggling took my breath away like it was knocking the wind out of me. Who knows what that was but I like to wear things that are comfortable and keep me all in one place.

The nursing tank is also great so you aren’t having to layer a bunch. It will give you easy access, offer support to your tummy and your tatas and you’ll still look cute!

Baby Outfits

2-3 should do! The hospital will have extra white ones just in case. But who doesn’t want to take photos of their beautiful new baby in the cutest outfit!?

Baby Swaddle

Again, mostly for photo purposes. The hospital will have swaddles for your baby but I like to bring a fun color and snap a pic.


Again this one may not apply to you, but I feel good when I look good. Each delivery, when I wakeup in the morning I brush my teeth and then put my makeup on. It’s a great way to keep your regular routine and feel like yourself. TOTALLY not necessary but I’ve found it helpful to get ready, especially in those early days to give myself a feeling of normalcy. Here’s the makeup bag I use to store all my things and easily pack in my hospital bag.